A downloadable game for Windows

2 Button Game Jam!


A BOAT load of fun!

You also learn Morse code, and why we don't use it anymore...


You must send every ship to the dock. In order to do so, you can select each ship and transmit to it a Morse code of the letter of the destination. Above the dock and the buoys, you will find the letter or code that you need to send to each ship.
Beware that you do not crash the ships into each other or the island, each ship costs a life.


Controls are simple, but take getting used to.

While in the Main Menu:

Tap to scroll left to choose a menu item.
Tap D to scroll Right to choose a menu item. 
Tap Both A and D to Select.

While choosing a boat: 
Tap A to scroll left to choose a Ship. Hold A to enter Pause Menu.
Tap D to scroll Right to choose a Ship. 
Tap Both A and D to Select a Ship

When you have selected a ship:
Tap A to erase current signal bits. Hold A to go back to boat select menu.
Tap D to add a Dot, Hold D to add a Dash to the Transmission.
Tap Both A and D to Send the code to the Ship.


Patch 1 -11/12/23:
-Instructions now show up correctly
 -Ship collisions correctly substract 1 life per ship
 -Lives now reset when new Game started
 -Music Now tied to the Volume Slider
 -Remove "Options" from the pause Menu
 -Fullscreen Should Now Work
 -Difficulty Settings Fixed
 -Ship Wave Scaling is better now
 -Tofu Delivery Mode now Working
 -Collisions don't register twice now
-Mouse cursor not shown anymore
 -Short Signal Bit volume was too high, halved it
-Easier to register a Hold action vs a tap action now, slightly.
-Made the Destination indicators more clear, different color and brighter.
-Increased Hitbox size of port, now ships should not crash next to the port.
 -Ship selection indicators are now easier to see


Music By: neonlasagna



FareWell 674 MB

Development log


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Very fun concept I crashed all the ships lol

love the water texture

Thank you! I appreciate the feedback and thank you for playing the game. 

During playtesting, it felt like I was actually learning Morse code thru this game. Maybe after playing it for 1 hour every day for a week, you might be able to learn to decode Morse code. 

I used unreal engine's built-in plugin for the water. Looks pretty good but up close its much better. I just wish the waves would deform the surface truly instead of just looking like they do, from far away. 

What are your thoughts?